Research groups:Projet Cristal: the Caml programming language, type systems, modularity, object-orientation.Projet Moscova: Mobility, Security, Concurrency, Verification and Analysis. Projet Atoll: parsing & logic programming, computational linguistic, tabulation techniques, electronic documents. Projet LogiCal: logic, calculus, formal proofs, the Coq proof assistant. Projet Algo: analysis of algorithms, computer algebra and combinatorics. Projet Contraintes: Constraint Programming (formerly projet Loco).
Software developments:Caml: the Caml Light and Objective Caml compilers. GNU Prolog: free native Prolog compiler with constraint solving over finite domains. The Coq Proof Assistant. Join calculus: a concurrent and distributed language. clp(FD,S): a CLP system. HEVEA: a fast LaTeX to HTML translator. Active-DVI: a DVI previewer and graphic presenter for slides written in LATEX. Publications:Publications available online (searchable index).Technical reports and PhD theses (searchable index).
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